Your entrepreneurial journey starts with the right vision


I am here to provide the best advice to power your business Turn the tide & shape your future Establishing your vision for the future and creating a strategy for how to achieve it. An effective strategy will include the where you want to be in the future (mission, vision, values), the what you want to achieve (goals, objectives) and the how you are going to get there (strategic plans, outcomes and actions), and should always include a mechanism for measuring progress along the way.

Starting a new venture?

Here to help clients with seeking all necessary statutory licenses from Government bodies and provide consultation for the same. Provide consultation for weights and measurement (legal metrology) for packaging Provide legal consultation Provide consultation for ESI/PF/PT Provide assistance in Company incorporation Provide assistance in all corporate affairs I make sure that your entire business is streamlined for you to have a complete view of all operations.

A design evolves into a logo & revolutionalises as a brand

Here to provide end-to-end legal & creative solutions to branding – from creation, brand identity, risk mitigation, brand extension by product or geography or category, protection, monetization, commercialization to legal tools and advisory for brand valuation and protecting its value.

One stop solution for brand creation and development

To provide clients with a one-stop package for all branding related activities.

Here to assist clients in navigating the complex world of brand and IP protection to develop, maintain, enforce, and grow their portfolios strategically and legally. Clients will be provided with patent, trademark, copyright, and domain protections, as well as strategic advice and collateral practices affecting the value of brands and their reputations, including, advertising, licensing, valuation, and social media marketing, as well as strategies that guarantee high returns on investment while adhering to business ethics.

Product Development

From scratch - packaging type, design, aesthetic appeal and even product photography

Packaging Solution

Infinite packaging options and vendors to source them from

Selling Online

List on all leading e-commerce websites and manage shipping with ease. Set-up your own e-store without spending lakhs and have a website of your taste with complete control on discounts, inventory, pricing, payment gateway and a lot more.

Contract Drafting & Review

Contract management is an important aspect to secure any business's interest and make sure that there is no mistake in legality. Here to assist clients in complete contract drafting and review of contracts to determine contingency.


Here to assist clients in developing agreements for Employee joining and exit Rental agreements Corporate agreements Partnership agreements Trademark Licence agreements Non disclosure agreements & other agreements

Technological Know-how

Expanding your business? Wanting to venture the chemical FMCG space? Here to provide client with technological know-how from formulation to sourcing machinery of production and packaging.

Let's connect to know more

We can meet over a cup of coffee or a zoom call

Nobody wants you successful except for you and me.

I do not advertise or rather spam you on YouTube/Facebook/Instagram about how good I manage time and how successful I have become. "I utilise time based on priorities like everyone" I am no management Guru "Those who know me, get inspired" None of those who pretend to be so successful and make us rich with their methods are practical and result oriented. "I have no secret tools. Just extraordinary business acumen" None of those online motivators are as successful as you are and that is why they are there, trying to make money from you and not make money for you. "I believe in growing together"